Taos HIVE Hackathons!

Collaborate for Community

All are welcome to participate in our first UNM-Taos HIVE Hackathon! If you’re already familiar with hackathons, ours might look a bit different, and if you’re not sure what a hackathon is, please read on!

Projects for our first Hackathon include:

  • Using technology to help small businesses

  • Connecting people with opportunities

  • Water management

  • Digitizing bulletin boards

  • Recycling

  • Connecting people across generations

  • Transportation

  • Agriculture

  • Food distribution

  • Making spaces more inclusive and welcoming

  • Any project you can come up with that supports connection within the community

What is a hackathon?

A hackathon is an event where people come together to collaborate on building or modifying technologies to address challenges. It’s an opportunity for individuals with different skills and backgrounds to contribute toward solving community issues.

What is a HIVE hackathon?

A HIVE hackathon is an inclusive and welcoming event where we invite anyone in the community who wants to help the community to participate.

Do I have to know programming?

Nope, come with whatever skills and knowledge you’ve got and we’ll figure out how to do something awesome.

What is a technology?

A technology, by our definition, is any system, structure, or object, that is governed by a set of rules. Anything that is governed by a set of rules can be hacked.
Examples of technologies include:

  • computers: a technology made up of hardware and software which controls the properties of the hardware according to rules

  • workplace culture: a technology made up of people, physical structures like offices, information technologies, and the rules that govern how people behave and interact

  • professionalism: a technology made up of people and rules that govern how people are expected to behave within the context of work

What is hacking?

Hacking, by our definition, is the art of understanding the rules of a technology well enough to utilize those rules to create something new that solves a particular problem or achieves a goal that may not have been built in to the original technology.
Examples of hacking include:

  • connecting a bunch of computers to provide computational resources to train an AI model on local data

  • creating workplace structures that empower people to be themselves at work and incorporating software to accommodate different approaches and abilities

  • building workshops and online content that presents different approaches to professionalism that respect all backgrounds and the context in which business is being conducted

What can I contribute to a Hackathon?

  • Your ideas, your unique perspective, and your desire to help your community

I’m interested, what do I do?

Our first hackathon, focused on connection in community, is slated to occur on Saturday June 8th, 2024 from 9AM - 7PM with tasty food and snacks provided. Including amazing vegan and gluten free options. There will be space available to relax and recharge, and more perks (stay tuned!).

We are limiting registration to 35 participants so that we have enough space to accommodate teams comfortably. Hope to see you there!

Let’s collaBEErate!